Show a Number of Randomly Selected Pages from a Survey
As part of our core randomization options you have the ability to display X number of random questions on the page. Unfortunately, there is not a built-in way to do the same with pages in a survey. Never fear! We'll cover the steps to use a pretty s...
Record Page Title of Randomized Pages
Randomization is a very popular survey tool for eliminating bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within Alchemer you can randomize questions, pages (or pages in groups) or even answer options! We have a merge code [page("pagepath")] tha...
Show a Number of Randomly Selected Rows from a Grid
As part of our core randomization options you have the ability to randomize columns and randomize row order in a grid question. Unfortunately, there is not a built-in way to only randomly show a subset of the rows in your grid question. Never fear! ...